* ------------------------------------------------------------
* IMPORTANT: The contents of this file are auto-generated.
* This file may be updated by the Shopify admin theme editor
* or related systems. Please exercise caution as any changes
* made to this file may be overwritten.
* ------------------------------------------------------------
"sections": {
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"contact_form_text": "Have a question or comment?\n \nUse the form below to send us a message or contact us by mail at:",
"show_contact_info": true,
"contact_info_title": "Get In Touch!",
"contact_info_text": "We'd love to hear from you - please use the form to send us your message or ideas. Or simply pop in for a cup of fresh tea and a cookie:",
"contact_info_address": "
\n685 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94105, \n United States\n
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